Admin Multi-Sig

What does the Stader contract admin control?

Stader's contracts for MaticX are controlled by a multi-sig account (0x91B4139A2FAeaCD4CdbFc3F7B1663F91a54be237) managed by the following parties. The confirmation count is 3 out of 5 signatures required

What are the responsibilities of admin contract multi-sig members?

The responsibilities of the admin contract multi-sig members are as follows:

  • setBotRoleAdmin (Admin for off-chain bots to update the exchange rate of MaticX periodically)

  • setFeePercent (Set Stader's commission of the staking rewards.)

  • setInstantPoolOwner (Set Stader's instant pool owner. Instant pool enables minting of MaticX on Polygon network)

  • setValidatorRegistry (Set the address to point to the contract wrapper for validator operations)

  • setFxStateRootTunnel (Set the Polygon root tunnel used for communication of exchange rate of MaticX/Matic from Ethereum onto Polygon)

  • setVersion (Used for marking a version of code)

  • PauseContract (Pause deposits, withdrawals, claims. Only meant to be used in critical situations)

  • Upgrade Contracts (Only meant to be used in critical bug fixes)

Last updated