
What is the minimum amount of ETH that can be staked with Stader?

The minimum amount that can be staked with Stader on the Stader-Polygon dApp is 0.0001 POL or 0.0001 ETH.

How to add ETHx to your wallet's token list?

If you have not imported ETHx as a token in your wallet, you can do so by clicking the “Add MaticX” button above the input box on the Stader-ETHx dApp. After clicking this button, you just need to provide confirmation/approval from your wallet, and ETHx will be imported and visible in the list along with other tokens. Please note that you will need to perform this action separately for the Ethereum and Arbitrum One networks.

What are the staking and unstaking token conditions for ETH staking on Stader?

On Ethereum Network:

  • Staking: Users can stake their ETH to receive ETHx.

  • Unstaking: Users will receive ETH back after unstaking their ETHx

On Arbitrum One Network:

  • Staking: Users can stake their ETH to receive ETHx.

  • Unstaking: To unstake, users must use a DEX to swap their ETHx for ETH. Also, you can bridge your ETHx from Arbitrum One to the Ethereum network and then unstake it for ETH. You can check our Bridge section for DEX and Bridge options.

Last updated