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Change directory to home directory using the command: cd ~
Create a new directory using mkdir ~/bin
To manage your node, you will need Stader CLI (command-line interface). Download stader CLI using the commands provided below for your respective system architecture.
Wget link AMD64(Linux): wget -O ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
Wget link ARM64(Linux): wget -O ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
Wget link (MacOS - Intel): wget -O ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
Wget link (MacOS - M1): wget -O ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
Verify the checksums using the following command: sha265sum ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
AMD64(Linux): 8175d860bbabbab360593f5337fc7ac5fd95d861eab418605fe3644ec4df42db
ARM64(Linux): f72a6ec1a3c076c7821db2860894d0c6b7c81e0782826840c154332aa3e48351
MacOS-Intel: 42e026810717327ad9aa5e47b3511c73e5347f833192890b59ea1b2a494053d9
MacOS-M1: ff77a3b603ecd6d879af46f224ba75afb3c73145b4c50b25d24f91e5e8f84d52
To check if Wget is present on your system run the commands wget --version
You will see the version details if the tools is installed
You will see “command not found: wget” prompt if the tool is not installed.
For MacOS
Run the command and download brew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
Install wget using the command: brew install wget
For Debian based systems like Ubuntu
Run the command and install wget sudo apt-get install wget -y
Run this command chmod +x ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli
to give permission to run the downloaded application
After a successful restart of the terminal run the command ~/bin/stader-permissioned-cli --version
to verify if the application was downloaded and running perfectly. A perfect download will display the latest CLI version.
Latest CLI version: v1.3.2