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Last updated
In the event of a node crash or if you intend to move it to a new system or instance, you can perform a smooth migration by following these steps:
Visit the following link to download the latest version of Stader node CLI for permissionless node operators:
After downloading the latest version of Stader node CLI, follow the provided instructions to install it by visiting the following link:
Configure your installed Stader node by following the provided steps on this link:
Once your Stader node configuration is complete, your ETH clients will begin syncing. This process may take some time as it involves syncing both the ETH1.0 and ETH2.0 chains. Please be patient and wait for the sync to complete. You can check the sync status using the command: ~/bin/stader-cli node sync
The estimated time for synchronization is around 3-4 days without a checkpoint URL and around 1-2 days with a checkpoint URL on the Mainnet.
Once the node is fully synced you can recover your node and validators using the wallet recover command : ~/bin/stader-cli wallet recover
Enter your password and the wallet mnemonic to recover your wallet (Node and Validators)
To check the status of your recovered node, using the following command: ~/bin/stader-cli node status
To check the status of your recovered valdiator, using the following command: ~/bin/stader-cli validator status