Asset Risks and Disclaimer
What are the risks of staking MATIC or POL with Stader?
There are several potential risks associated with staking MATIC or POL with Stader:
Smart Contract Risk: Although Stader's code is thoroughly vetted and audited, there is a possibility of malicious users exploiting vulnerabilities or bugs in Stader's smart contracts, the Polygon platform, or other related smart contracts.
Wallet and Downstream Apps: Wallets and third-party applications may be required to access staking. Users should independently evaluate the security of wallets and other third-party apps. Please note that Stader does not take responsibility for the security of the wallets or third-party applications used to access the staking solution.
Exchange Rate Manipulation: The MaticX-to-POL exchange rate ensures users receive the correct amount of MaticX (when staking MATIC or POL) and POL (when unstaking MaticX). If this rate is manipulated by malicious actors, MaticX holders could potentially withdraw significantly more POL by unstaking through Stader or mint MaticX for far less MATIC or POL on the Stader dApp.
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